Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bela Bartok: Suite from 'The Miraculous Mandarin' conducted by Tibor Serly [BRS 301] recorded in 1953

Bartok Records was formed in 1950 and until 1962 released LP records. Although at first concentrating on the compositions of Bela Bartok, eventually they branched out to other composers as well.

This LP features a suite from Bartok's ballet, 'The Miraculous Mandarin,' with Tibor Serly conducting the "New Symphony Orchestra" -- apparently a collection of UK orchestra musicians -- and recorded at the legendary Kingsway Hall, London.


  1. Hi Richard,
    I wanted to wish you the best of luck for your new blog. Another very ambitious endeavour after Indian music! Congrats

  2. It is glad to see your new blog,Welcome!

  3. You are all very welcome and I am honored by your good wishes. I hope to serve the interests of music by this blog and to make great music and great interpretations available once again to music lovers everywhere.

  4. I just love the fact that you can get music in different qualities. Also, the scans are in perfect condition. Well done, and good luck with your blog. I have bookmarked it already.

  5. Just discovered your excellent blog
    Thank you very much

  6. Thank you so much, this blog is wonderful!

  7. Very interesting cover art! Love your blogs.

  8. Terrific blog. Do you collect interesting classical LP cover art? I have a few suggestions - Decca used people like Victor Reinganum (a Radio Times designer) in the fifties

  9. Muchas gracias, muy buena grabación, saludos.
